Not long ago, I found this list online: 40 things you can do to raise a moral child. I'm posting it today, on Mother's Day, because being a mom is a huge part of my daily life and raising moral kids is a huge part of what being a mom means to me. What I hope for, I guess, is that someday when my kids are grown up they'll read through this list and think to themselves, yeah, my mom was like that. So, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, and enjoy the list.
1. Tune in to your child's feelings.
2. Talk about how you think others may be feeling.
3. Comment on your own emotions.
4. Sing to and hold your child.
5. Read imaginative stories to your child.
6. Give reasons why you approve or disapprove of your child's behavior.
7. Provide reasons for rules you want your child to follow.
8. Encourage your child to play with children of various ages.
9. Engage your child in reflective discussions by asking open-ended questions.
10. Promote independent thinking.
11. Treat your child with respect.
12. Express interest in your child's activities, projects, and dreams.
13. Help set goals and encourage your child to see them through.
14. Praise a task well done.
15. Give your child emotional and verbal support to stand against the crowd when necessary.
16. Be flexible - not arbitrary - in your discipline.
17. Don't use intimidation, never use ridicule.
18. The severity of the punishment should be related to the severity of the wrongdoing.
19. Discipline with explanations.
20. Criticize in private.
21. Provide opportunities for your child to help others.
22. Give positive verbal and nonverbal feedback for being a good person.
23. Work with your child in community and volunteer service.
24. Expect and encourage good deeds from your child.
25. Help your child keep promises.
26. Examine your own biases.
27. Provide examples that counteract society's prejudices.
28. Don't allow biased or bigoted comments to go unchallenged.
29. Give your child books that show different kinds of people playing, working, and living together.
30. Talk about differences between people, but talk about them neutrally.
31. Tell your child about the people you admire and why.
32. Live your life as you want your children to lead theirs.
33. Show the importance of protecting the vulnerable.
34. Comment on compassionate behavior - let your child know that caring is an important value.
35. Let your child know what you value and why you value it.
36. Supervise your child's television viewing.
37. Get involved with your child's education.
38. Make family meals important and regular occasions.
39. Make time for your child.
40. Take an interest in the world outside your home.