04 May 2009

Weekend Highlights

It has been a dizzying weekend. Here are some of the high points:

The kids both earned yellow belts after 3 months of Karate-on-Saturday.

The Lavender and Chives finally sprouted. I hadn't given up watering even if I had given up hope.

My sister and her family came to town and we celebrated niece B's birthday with a trip to the Butterfly house. Star remains (inexplicably) terrified of them--maybe because they flutter?

To decorate the birthday cake, Suz brought the most enormous gummy butterflies from a little shop in Tipton.

We found out (from the people who work there) that of all the families that bring their children to our gym's child center, we are there most often.

Dozer really is a charming puppy, even if he does more jumping and climbing than my girls know what to do with.

Oddly, I had a crop of unexpected daffodils in the back yard this spring. They popped up out in the grass, getting in the way of Matthew and our lawnmower. So I dug them up. Any takers (from folks in town)?

We got a package from Oma Bonnie and Grandpa Dan with super birthday presents inside.

The girls and I cleaned, organized, and completely rearranged their room. Now, all their toys are in their bedroom instead of in the play room. It's better this way.

I have resumed composting, and the thing I like most about it is how very little ends up out at the curb on garbage day.


Katherine said...

I don't think I could ever have too many daffodils in my yard. If they are still homeless, I'll take them :)

Terra said...

Acutally that awsome b-pay package was from Aunt terra as well. Isabella clearly made the cards ;)